viernes, 10 de abril de 2020

Descendimiento de la cruz  -   José de Arimatea

Sudario, de la palabra latina sudarium, significa en su origen un lienzo o pañuelo que sirve para cubrirle el rostro a las personas muertas y demostrarles sus respetos.
Se dice en el Evangelio, Marc, c. 14, v. 51, que un joven que seguía a Jesucristo cuando fue preso en el huerto de los olivos, no tenía más que una sábana para cubrir su desnudez, que los soldados quisieron detenerlo, que dejó su sábana y se fugó, Sansón prometió treinta sábanas, (en hebreo, sindinim) y otras tantas túnicas a los jóvenes que asistían a sus bodas si podían explicar el enigma que les propuso. , se dice que la mujer fuerte hacía sábanas y ceñidores y los vende a los cananeos o fenicios

Leemos en el Evangelio que José de Arimatea para sepultar a Jesucristo compró una sábana, sindonim y en ella envolvió el cuerpo de Jesús.
José de Arimatea es un personaje bíblico que, de acuerdo al Evangelio de Mateo 27:60, era el propietario del sepulcro en el cual fue depositado el cuerpo de Jesús de Nazaret después de su crucifixión y muerte. 
Un «hombre rico» según San Mateo; un hombre «ilustre» según San Marcos; «persona buena y honrada» según San Lucas; «...que era discípulo de Jesús» según San Mateo, «pero clandestino por miedo a las autoridades judías», según San Juan. Marcos comienza señalando que José compartiendo la visión de la venida del Reino de Dios (lo cual Lucas 23:51 repite) entró "osadamente" a pedirle el cuerpo de Jesús a Pilato (15:43). Lucas añade que este varón "no había consentido en el acuerdo ni en los hechos" de los líderes religiosos.
Lo cierto es que los cuatro evangelistas coinciden en contar el mismo episodio donde intervino San José de Arimatea. Jesús acaba de morir en la cruz, Pedro renegó de Él por tres veces en público, los apóstoles se dispersan, pero este hombre solicita al procurador romano Poncio Pilato que le permita dar sepultura al cuerpo de Jesús. Con la ayuda de Nicodemo, desclava el cuerpo de la cruz y lo sepulta en su propia tumba, un sepulcro nuevo, recién excavado en la roca, donde se encuentra la basílica del Santo Sepulcro. Lo envolvieron en lienzos de lino y lo colocaron en la tumba con una gran piedra en la entrada. Por esto, la tradición católica lo tiene como patrono de embalsamadores y sepultureros.

José de Arimatea es protagonista de la apócrifa Declaración de José de Arimatea, escrita en primera persona, en la que se reivindica como responsable del descendimiento y entierro de Cristo y narra el cautiverio al que el Sanedrín la condena por ello. Estas represalias son también referidas en el Evangelio de Nicodemo.

CYDT Collection 

martes, 7 de abril de 2020

A Letter from EXPO CHICAGO President | Director Tony Karman
Dear Adolfo,
On behalf of all of us at EXPO CHICAGO, I offer our heartfelt sympathy and compassion for everyone touched by this pandemic, as well as our deepest gratitude to those on the front line of care. Even in these most challenging times, I hold on to a profound sense of optimism, despite the new reality we all are sharing and its impact on our lives and livelihoods, I also maintain the sincere belief that together we will overcome the many challenges we are facing and do so in new and innovative ways.
As we prepare for the upcoming ninth edition of EXPO CHICAGO slated for September 24–27, 2020, safety for all who will be participating remains our utmost priority. We are moving forward as scheduled and continually monitoring recommendations from health professionals and government agencies. However, if after several months it is determined that large events still should not take place, we will set new dates. As we navigate in these uncertain times, we are extremely grateful for the leadership and sound advice of our Selection Committee, who we will continue to draw upon for guidance, as well as thoughtful council provided by countless professionals and civic leaders in Chicago and across the globe.
Now and in the future, I want to restate our pledge to remain at all times an attentive, nimble, and resilient collaborator and to utilize the many communications and marketing channels to amplify and support the local and international gallery community and the work of our many partners. Most importantly, we ask that you let us know how we can be more helpful to you. We are committed to being an active force in the recovery of the art world for a broad group of constituents—both commercial and institutional—as we prepare to be one of the first leading international art fairs in the Americas to be held following the current restrictions. 
To that end, I feel it is important to offer my perspectives and to share our plans with each of our core constituents who have helped shape our success and who we hope to continue to serve.
Commitment to Our Exhibitors – Partners:
We are all aware of just how much of the commercial sector of the artworld is built upon galleries who are taking the risks represented by their investments in their spaces, programs, exhibitions, and their staffs, while also covering the expenses of shipping, insurance, storage, and art fairs in service to their artists and patrons. EXPO CHICAGO has always followed an exhibitor-first approach in everything we do, recognizing that we would not be here if it was not for their confidence in collaborating with us. EXPO CHICAGO always strives to adjust to the needs of the community and reinforces that commitment in the truest sense of the word – partnership. 
Recognizing the many pressing challenges our gallery partners are facing, for the upcoming 2020 edition we are reducing the impact of our invoicing, adjusting payment schedules, providing incentives to reduce booth fees and committing to work individually with our exhibitors to accommodate to their needs. The current state of affairs demands this action and we look forward to working closely with dealers throughout the world over the next few weeks and months as we further shape our ninth edition.
Additionally, in support of the community of dealers, we will also be making contributions to both the Art Dealers Association of America (ADAA) and the New Art Dealers Association (NADA) from the proceeds of this year’s exposition to help advance the important work these organizations are doing on behalf of their member galleries.
Commitment to Our Visitors & Patrons
From our inception, our tagline has been “September in Chicago. Be here.” With deep respect to you, the industry, and in the spirit of collaboration and renewal, we recommit to this pledge as we prepare to present what we hope will be impactful convening event in the heart of America this Fall. We do so with the health and safety our visitors, patrons and participating galleries, foremost in our minds and in our preparations. We will keep you informed on our efforts to incorporate best practices into the exposition and rest assure that we will establish protections that I believe strongly will be the new normal for the future of events. 
Our Company & Mission:
EXPO CHICAGO is a privately-owned company that I lead, and which was formed with the support a small group of investors, primarily drawn from Chicago’s civic leadership who believe in the cultural, social, and economic benefits of Chicago hosting a major international art exposition. The first edition of the exposition was launched in 2012. We do not have the advantages of being part of a publicly traded convention and trade show company, and because of that, we share the sensibilities and sensitivities of being a small business — like most of the galleries with whom we partner. We are keenly aware of what EXPO CHICAGO shares with art dealers, which is a unique understanding of inherent risk and hard work that produces reward. 
From the outset, we built our company with an unwavering commitment of service to our exhibitors while presenting an international art fair that respects and supports the investment that each dealer has made. We set out to produce an exposition that would reestablish a vital marketplace in the center of the US and to renew the grand tradition of Chicago hosting a leading international art exposition each year that serves the region, the United States, and the global arts community. We have, and fervently maintain, our commitment to the highest level of production — focusing on quality, not quantity of exhibitors, to innovate and present critically acclaimed programming such as our Curatorial Initiatives and other platforms, advance a new online platform for our printed journal THE SEEN, and invest in advertising and outreach to ensure our exhibitors’ success. 
Chicago’s Collaborative Community: 
Our success is due in large part to the unwavering support of Chicago’s cultural, business, and hospitality community – including our civic leaders, museums, institutions, universities, galleries, artists, and arts professionals. Ingrained in our great city is a profound ethos of collaboration, and it is this strong community of cooperation that remains a most powerful foundation for us to both rely and build upon. Chicago is filled with renowned museums and arts organizations, respected arts professionals and curators, world class teaching institutions, a vibrant network of working artists, an abundance of great hotels, a celebrated restaurant scene and night-life, diverse neighborhoods and small businesses, great architecture, the lakefront and so much more. All involved stands together ready to welcome the world with us. We benefit greatly from our beloved landmark venue – Navy Pier – and we plan to capitalize on Chicago’s strategic position in the center of America to draw patrons from both the coasts, the Greater Midwest region, and beyond. 
With eyes wide open, we recognize that there are many challenges ahead in these rapidly changing times. On behalf of the entire team at EXPO CHICAGO, thank you for your continued support and confidence, and we genuinely hope to hear from you to answer any questions and listen to any suggestions that you may have. 
In closing, I reaffirm my sincerest hope for the health and safety of our families and friends, while yearning for the time that we will once again be able to experience the work of artists in person. With humility, I offer our global arts community heartfelt wishes for the fortitude to prevail, the clarity and wisdom to innovate and build on existing partnerships and, although it may sound lofty, the collective determination of us all to utilize the many avenues we have at our disposal for the greater good of our artists, our local communities, and most importantly the wellbeing of our world. 
With respect and gratitude,
Tony Karman
President | Director
For a listing of local and national resources available to galleries, artists, curators, and cultural workers, visit our website.
EXPO CHICAGO Adjusts Payment Schedules for Exhibitors in Lead-Up to September Fair
Written by Sarah Douglas